Aishwarya Rai is a well known Indian film actress who has also won the Miss World or Miss Universe contest in a prior year. A recent news item about her this week just fascinated me and I felt like I had to share it with all.
Aishwarya is dating another popular Indian movie star - Abhishek Bachan and wedding bells are expected to be ringing shortly. There was a story in the daily paper this week about the couple's visit to a Hindu shrine. Apparently they needed to make sure that their horoscopes are well aligned and all is well with the stars, planets and other celestial objects. Turns out that the lady is a Manglik! For the ignorant ones among you, a person is considered to be a Manglik when Mars is placed in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house from the natal ascendant of the moon. So what, you say? This condition results either in the early death of your spouse or an inharmonious relationship.
The solution? Miss Rai can deflect this terrible turn of events by marrying a tree! She must go through a complete and formal wedding ceremony with either a peepal or banana tree (no ordinary tree would do!). After this is done, she can marry a human being without any nasty consequences of planetary misalignment.
What happens to the tree? That is for the Tree People to worry about.
I would think the tree gets to at least go on the honeymoon with Ash and Little B. Lucky tree! It is probably the envy of all the trees in India. I wonder if it had to sign a pre-nup?
maybe they use the tree for firewood on their honeymoon
Such a cruel thing to do... but 3 is a crowd.
hey, its a tough life out there for those trees
Yeah, if not's being used as firewood, it's a dog or the local villagers peeing on you!
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