Mona and I returned from our trip to Jordan and Dubai, picked up kids from Bombay and got back to Bangalore in time to celebrate Diwali. This is probably the biggest holiday of the year in India and a major Hindu festival. And to add to the fun, we had Seema and Mick visiting us from Los Angeles at the same time.
The children (and the adults who are still children at heart) had a blast. Fireworks in India now match the sophistication of fireworks anywhere in the world. Families will spend tens of thousands of Rupees to buy an assortment of fire crackers which include some of the most unique in the world. Gender differentiation is quite obvious during this festival as you see the girls huddled in one corner playing with sparklers and colorful fireworks while the boys are busy in another corner bursting LOUD bombs!
It goes without saying that there is lots of food around. The building association also organized a show which included a fashion show, play, mime and other items that showcased the fine talents of the young children in the building.
During Diwali me and Jigar went to Karthik's house and we were playing with fire and buring stuff!
What a coincidence!!!
I have to say I really enjoyed watching all the kids lighting all the different types of fireworks. Who could resist joining in? It's nice to see that there are still places in the world that kids (and adults) can still be kids.
The bon fire was cool too!
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