It is Christmas day in Chennai and I am sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to Bangalore. The airport has Christmas decorations, there are carols playing from a loudspeaker and the boutique store is selling Santa caps. Christmas has arrived in India!
The office (yes, unfortunately I was working on Christmas day) had Christmas art and decorations all over and a Christmas tree sat decked up at the reception. The employees cut a cake to celebrate the occasion. Street vendors in Chennai and Bangalore are selling the latest rage – musical Santa caps with twinkling lights. Indian children have found another excuse to demand presents. And of course, every major store in town is having the inevitable Christmas Sale!
This reaffirms my belief that Indians love to party and celebrate. They will cross cultural and religious boundaries when it comes to getting together with friends and family, eat, drink and exchange presents. Thirty festivals and holidays a year are just not enough. Need more!!!
Let me see where I can find some eggnog and sugar cookies.
Till the next time then … ho, ho, HO!
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