Saturday, July 26, 2008

Terror in Bangalore

Bangalore faced terror on Friday when seven bombs exploded in different parts of the city creating chaos and confusion. Fortunately, the explosives were low intensity bombs and the casualties were limited to one death and about a dozen injured. This followed earlier attacks on Jaipur and Hyderabad within the last year. Yesterday, one day after the blasts, another set of bombs exploded in the Gujarat city of Ahmedabad.

We were in Bombay when the Bangalore blasts happened. All friends, family and employees of our company were safe. Bangaloreans (and Indians) have demonstrated strong resilience and an ability to bounce back quickly from such events. It is unfortunate that the proponents of terror are attempting to disrupt the growth and progress being made through such cowardly acts. But I see strong resolve and an intensity of focus among Indians that will enable them to overcome such hurdles and continue undaunted down the path of progress.


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